@piramida @twobitidiot Maybe not corrupt, but choosing crony capitalism over innovation. Try improving medical cannabis applications FFS…
1 USD == 0.0015 BTC https://t.co/dT6nQKHDYz
profcarroll New version of @brave protects against invasive “fingerprinting” techniques. And the arms race marches on. pic.twitter.com/TpL4m3ddfl
The reason why pharmaceutical companies are fighting cannabis legalization. https://t.co/PJ2FTauq1O https://t.co/F5QtqD5p8D
Block size debate is still simmering, but you’ll be excited to hear that we’re fixing transaction malleability! 😠https://t.co/BQkjZyNPJk
@mikestable @ddahlke Look familiar? pic.twitter.com/EEafHZBY4R