The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 19th, 2016

@brian_armstrong History shows vast majority of hard forks are successful, though not always good for exchange rate.

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@Tone_LLT @VladZamfir What rules? This is cryptoanarchy - everyone is free to act as they deem fit…

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“I believe that ethics is independent of decentralization.” - @VladZamfir

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@MadBitcoins Buying drugs with cryptocurrency, as one is wont to do.

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It’s a potential felony to alter your smart bulb fixture’s DRM’d firmware so that it works with non-brand name bulbs

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Ouch; here are all of Steemit CTO’s balances and transactions:

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Patents mentioning “bitcoin” filed in:
2010: 3
2011: 12
2012: 24
2013: 24
2014: 30
2015: 35

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Consensus is as consensus does. I suspect that distributed consensus is both more malleable and more robust than is commonly believed.

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RT @Blockstream: Ensuring permissionless innovation is a driving force in our space, today we announce our Defensive Patent Strategy https:…

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@NTmoney @Steemit I can’t comprehend how that post earned $26,000 while the actual video content only has 1,600 views. Does not compute.

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@GitKilbert Most likely they haven’t figured out they need to upgrade. If they get forked off the main chain, they’ll figure out quickly.

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@GitKilbert Not upgrading is implicit approval for soft forks; not upgrading in a hard fork means you get left behind.

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RT @VinnyLingham: I just published “Introducing Civic — Your Identity Protection Network”

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Ethereum hard fork looks like an ~80/20 vote. This would be considered “contentious” by many Bitcoin devs; let’s see how it plays out. 😏

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@pete_rizzo_ Whoever wants to :-) I mined on testnet3 a fair amount last year.

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How bitcoin becomes a safe haven asset. Projected Venezuelan inflation rate:
2017: 1,642%
2018: 2,880%
2019: 3,497%

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@desantis @coolbearcjs @NTmoney @Steemit $26k is expensive for an internal server error. It’s still down; wonder what their uptime is…

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