@lightcoin On the other hand, not all hodlers can dump - whales would move the market because it’s not liquid enough.
@svnlyte I don’t think so; I’d say most everyone wants to see greater adoption. The conflicts are over what type of adoption is appropriate.
While many Bitcoin implementations now have production quality code, Bitcoin itself remains a grand experiment.
RT @jimmysong: I just published “A Small Modification to Segwit†https://t.co/ppOm6y5TE3
I may disagree with your vision for Bitcoin, but I will defend your freedom of association you exercise by running code of your choosing.
@coin_artist @meeDamian @matthew_d_green Unfortunately the root of scaling debate is economic & philosophical. Spec… https://t.co/5cGRYq9vjy
@meeDamian @coin_artist @matthew_d_green But is it apple or cherry?! Inquiring minds demand an answer!
@flyosity Always heartwarming to see my tax dollars being spent efficiently.
@coin_artist @matthew_d_green “The other side” is in quotes because whatever your views are, there is someone with… https://t.co/ZOvr84aWb0
@matthew_d_green Because “the other side” doesn’t understand Bitcoin, which is extremely frustrating. https://t.co/qq1wHVuNiP
@AlpacaSW I already ignore most of the Slacks I’m in unless directly mentioned. Not really interested in coordinati… https://t.co/wP3DW1jsZS
If Bitcoin is under threat by a 20 person “troll army” then we should give up now. Folks forget the power of Bitcoin’s true adversaries.
I’m long on Bitcoin drama and Bitcoin Unlimited version numbers.
I’m short on grokking other people’s views and compromise.
@m23mclaughlin If Bitcoin needs political leadership to survive, I quit.