The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 15th, 2017

Satoshi’s whitepaper describes an idea that was later brought to life (after mistakes made & lessons learned.) It doesn’t define Bitcoin.

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Upgrading from Android 6 to 7 doubled the battery life of my Nexus. Amazing how software efficiency improvements can reduce hardware needs.

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@flyosity I’d mine Ethereum or Zcash. You could also possibly generate vanity addresses. Not sure about non brute f…

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It takes ~40,000 kilowatt-hours to mint a block, yet this power can’t overcome a few lines of code being run on a 4 watt Raspberry Pi.

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We may have finally found threshold at which /r/btc rejects the philosophy that Bitcoin should be ruled by miners.

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In retrospect, this is in line w/the philosophy that brought us “Emergent Consensus” - miners should rule Bitcoin.

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Shopping for vehicles to improve the mobilization of the Bitcoin infantry. This should be a good start before upgra…

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@jimmysong They need the former in order to turn their desires into reality.

via Twitter for Android in reply to jimmysong

@theonevortex Right, I’m speaking about them. I think you implied a prepended “all” on that tweet.

via Twitter for Android in reply to theonevortex

Frustrated Bitcoiners are desperately seeking leadership. Some look to new dev teams, others look to miners. They’ll end up disappointed.

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No True Scotsman fallacy. Let’s elevate the conversation, please.

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The Elephant represents Bitcoin and we, we are all blind. Hopefully some day we shall see clearly.

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