The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 24th, 2017

This tweet triggered Poe’s Law at a level I’ve never seen.

via Twitter Web Client

@AlpacaSW @notgrubles @nvk @Xentagz It’s not a real node unless it has 32GB of RAM.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to AlpacaSW

@EvanFaggart @bitsonlinecom Perhaps a few hundred due to that. Some could be due to node operators that don’t actua…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @bergealex4: I just published “The Mining Delusion”

via Twitter Web Client

@mecampbellsoup I think the shorter one is just the key fingerprint; commands should be equivalent.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mecampbellsoup

Confession time: I lobbed the RAM grenades earlier. Core nodes were sufficiently armored to repel the shrapnel. All…

via Twitter for Android

Most Bitcoin users don’t care how it works, just that it does. It’s up to engineers to push complexities under the hood of secure software.

via Twitter Web Client

New Bitcoin Unlimited version incoming after 75% of nodes crashed overnight due to memory leak.

via Twitter Web Client