@GaravagliaJuan @kyletorpey RBF. Relative locktime. OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY. Compact Blocks. SegWit. Pruning. CPFP.… https://t.co/k9J2VtYiUd
@ARKblockchain @reddit Plus it’s not possible for a posse of angry keyboard warriors to suppress the spread of your ideas via downvotes.
@neha @TMobile d’oh; @projectfi FTW - they require a PIN lock for every account. I cringed when I watched my GF tra… https://t.co/SxriWsJaRv
@dotglum Nah, though I don’t think lists would be a great idea; you should use your own criteria for deciding who is wasting your time.
@MrChrisEllis Preparing for a hard fork tweet size increase???
Trolls are time thieves. They try to make you waste precious cycles engaging them. Best counter is mute button: waste their time, not yours.

Common mistake in Bitcoin: believing your needs are the same as the rest of the ecosystem. pic.twitter.com/YPJGOsxBWx
@robustus I hear Lightning Network transactions will be 4X faster on Litecoin! 🤣
@fluffyponyza Is Monero still at a stage like Bitcoin used to be where the minimum / recommended fee rates get adju… https://t.co/xfbUt2pAcO
@fluffyponyza I just think it would be neat to have a visualization of fee rates so that they could be compared aga… https://t.co/6VV9hkLMdJ
@Excellion @Blockstream Blink twice if you’re actually under duress by the shadow NWO AXA Bilderberg Free Mason Illuminati.
@jrbhudon Right, there are a ton of other things going on in Bitcoin that affect the price. Litecoin doesn’t have m… https://t.co/FA4UKLq4JI
@jrbhudon Looks like both BTC and LTC price remain flat while SegWit signals under 30%; it may require > 50% to achieve optimism.
@CryptoGambleh Sure, but “pump” or not, litecoin miners are currently getting paid over 300% of what they were getting paid a few weeks ago.
Litecoin price (red) vs SegWit signaling (blue.) Correlation != causation, but miners should consider that this may… https://t.co/ZYFm0pMLtZ

@slushcz Here we go again pic.twitter.com/ZOZpdeTH4X
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch in Bitcoin. Unless, of course, your real name happens to be Satoshi Nakamoto.
@brianchoffman It’s not even noon! Did you pull an all-nighter?
@eordano How so? Miners are paid by the economy - if miners aren’t getting paid, that seems like a good incentive t… https://t.co/J5J9IjKNjt
.@fluffyponyza I couldn’t find many fee rate estimates / fee stats for Monero; is there a better site than https://t.co/WqfaJO7HuI?
Some Monero users also want lower fees; looks like average XMR txn fee comes to ~$0.45 now. https://t.co/Zct92b3Mxb https://t.co/uO8ZMHmpYp
@eordano It’s possible for meatspace consensus to diverge sufficiently such that machine consensus forks.
@halovast However, SegWit is not a malicious soft fork; it doesn’t hurt anyone who isn’t using it. There could be m… https://t.co/FSheaK7vAb
@halovast Different issue, but if miners activate an unwanted soft fork then yes, the “counter” to that is a hard fork by node operators.
@halovast Nope, it gives them the opportunity to signal that they are ready to enforce the rules; users can bypass… https://t.co/QSJKr70hP6
If a sufficient faction of Bitcoin users want miners to have the final say when it comes to consensus rules, they can create such a system.
“Bitcoin Core has a stranglehold monopoly over protocol development!”
“Bitcoin Core doesn’t have the leadership skills to activate SegWit!”