The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 21st, 2017

Developer reports trading exploit to his bank. 8.5 years later after no resolution, he decides to break the NDA.

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Great presentation from @pamelawjd on estate planning for digital assets.

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@aantonop @CoinJournal @kyletorpey @pamelawjd Years ago I wrote about what I consider different asset Tiers and the…

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Note to self: declare income from @21 Tasks on next year’s taxes. I can see this catching on for experts to easily monetize their knowledge.

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Open Source Software translation:
“Pull requests welcome” == “Our priorities differ; only way to ensure X gets done is to do it yourself”

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You too can become a professional Bitcoiner! DM me if you see an opening that interests you:

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@msdev @NicolasDorier @reddit All four threads acquired the same lock. No bueno!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to msdev

@De5calante Sure, possibly. If they have proven engineering prowess then you need to decide their honesty - the lik…

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@De5calante Even /if/ the idea is good, it’s often impossible to perform sufficient due diligence on the team promi…

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More and more ICOs are asking me to “advise them,” but when my advice is “this is a bad idea” they no longer want it… 🤔

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