@RichardHeartWin @BitMEXdotcom @bitfinex @CryptoFLtd @OKCoin @coinpit @blockswater Yeah, a binary is just betting w… https://t.co/Pjog7XKEvc
Actions speak louder than words; where are the SegWit2X futures markets? ð@BitMEXdotcomc@bitfinexn@CryptoFLtdL@OKCoino@coinpitpit
@rogerkver @nullc_ @adam3us @eric_lombrozo @LukeDashjr @ToneVays @alansilbert @bergealex4 @WhalePanda @kanzure Don’… https://t.co/x53BcPa4AT
@KarateMc4w350m3 It’s so low it’s a rounding error. The cost of the CPU cycles on my RPi node would be well under $0.01
End result: hashpower is only powerful within context of competing against other valid-block-producing hashpower. https://t.co/hjvk6DRcg0
@paul_btc @zooko @AriDavidPaul You seem to be referring to one specific type of on-chain governance?
@zooko @paul_btc @AriDavidPaul It’s tricky b/c governance does imply creation & enforcement of rules. So if you can… https://t.co/RrDQRzLv3b
@paul_btc @AriDavidPaul @zooko Right, that’s why I think “governance” may be the wrong term. If participants are al… https://t.co/cv8KI2CXT0
The cost of creating a valid Bitcoin block is arbitrarily high & based upon network consensus. The cost of rejecting an invalid block is 0.