Many BTC discussion channels are manipulated. By folks w/diff visions for its success… & failure. Welcome to the adversarial environment.
@brucefenton I’ll just go back to fiat because it has less politics… oh, wait.
@chelenki This particular tweet was a subtle jab at ICOs; I just prefer to be positive rather than negative.
@el33th4xor I’m aware that using any BTC-specific comms platform controlled by a person with a vested interest in B…
@el33th4xor Is someone censoring all your comms channels? I can see your tweets and blog posts just fine.
@drwasho @el33th4xor Not a priesthood, but certainly an ideology - and anyone is welcome to contribute to the cause.
@el33th4xor There’s bad behavior from (a small number of) supporters of any popular perspective in the community. L…
@TuurDemeester I wonder if they’re getting paid in dollars or in tokens for their promotional efforts… 🤔
@SatoshiLite With the collaboration of several Lightning protocol teams, BTC transaction fees will go from $10 to under $0.01. 😎
Cypherpunks don’t need marketing; they don’t seek your approval. Cypherpunks write code & release it into the marketplace of ideas.
@BasedStickMan_ @kristovatlas Some anarcho-communists haven’t realized they’re anarcho-communists. Best to educate…
@SemperLiber9 @TheLibertyDoll @BasedStickMan_ Capitalism need not necessitate hierarchies. Sounds like you’re confl…
@devonArmistead Everything on Statoshi uses default out-of-the-box node configuration / parameters, so this is conservative fee estimates.
@khannib It’s the default, which is conservative.
Statoshi is now updated to Core 0.15 - check out those improved fee estimates!
@murchandamus From services that still lazily use fee estimate data from BTC. Copypasta!
@juscamarena @LedgerHQ @BitGo I’m all for opt-out ability, but would recommend it be an advanced setting. If someon…
Freedom of choice is great, @LedgerHQ, but casual users shouldn’t need to know what’s under the hood. We’ll be auto…
@Peter_Villa_III It will be a work in progress for some time. I expect services to begin building initial infrastructure in coming months.
Outsiders see Bitcoin as a mass shared delusion.
Insiders see Bitcoin as a new reality.
Journey with me down the 🇠hole and let’s find out.
Slow & steady wins the crypto asset race because slow & steady doesn’t shoot itself in the foot.
@ematiu @BitPay You should coordinate with @khannib if you think he’s hitting the wrong fee estimate API for BitPay…