@mikeinspace Maybe you can bring them on Bitcoin Car Talk to hash it out!
@AriDavidPaul @zooko It’s certainly not a strong argument when there is a high cost to leave. 😕
@AriDavidPaul @zooko I don’t claim it’s optimal because first we’d have to agree upon what we’re optimizing for. I… https://t.co/R0uFpOYenZ
@AriDavidPaul @zooko Democracy is governance by overwhelming voice / force - Bitcoin is governance by exit. I doubt… https://t.co/Ln2HH49pHc
@AriDavidPaul @zooko If “on-chain governance” means “on-chain democracy” then it seems like a solution looking for a problem.
@iCreateOFX @joshuasmarx @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/OiqxGBGzhx
@prestonjbyrne Good luck shutting down the ones in more friendly jurisdictions and the ones running on tor…
@iCreateOFX @joshuasmarx @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/RI9gZcKoqm
@joshuasmarx @iCreateOFX @BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop… https://t.co/E0eeJ7w5En

To the moon! pic.twitter.com/1DEYNCAoNu
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/AFI4tIiOLU
@scottwalker99 A bunch of people quit out of fear while others get pissed off and go underground.
@zacksomeone @BitGo We already have one developer in Germany; if you’re qualified then you can apply to work remotely.
@MKjrstad This was syncing Parity 1.7.2 on an SSD with ~8,000 IOPs.
@WolfOfEthcoin @BitGo Hmmmm not that I’m aware of; we’re mainly looking for highly experienced engineers.
@CryptoBully @BitGo I’d suspect only the largest of companies could justify in-house. Maybe really large exchanges?
And we doubled our open positions at @BitGo. Hit me up if you’re qualified for any of these https://t.co/N8Zy6SFUEk https://t.co/uKykuEhNxy
@krisbolt Nope, it would just push Bitcoin use underground and into other jurisdictions.
@estebs @ProfFaustus @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/92RbT4vxTm
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/rileRROhVW
@ProfFaustus @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/YmSBFOI9sA
@ProfFaustus Miners stopped generating coins on a local node long ago. Most miners connect to a pool via a mining p… https://t.co/mQ4bYgoQot
@KLoaec @francispouliot_ @nvk What’s the bandwidth of HAM radio?
@pairedodue @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/HvAtZ1BA0J
@MTurlakov Bitcoin is very much self governed - by each individual who governs themselves via their fully validating node.
@BryanMicon @rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair… https://t.co/vsUVidL5w4
@rogerkver @Satoshi_N_ @BITCOlNCASH @BTCTN @ErikVoorhees @aantonop @barrysilbert @spair @brian_armstrong… https://t.co/pkAxt0yKhE
Many events could cause Bitcoin to stumble, but very few stop it from getting back up:
* Kill the Internet
* Imprison / kill all supporters
@eric_lombrozo Well this is for work, so it’s somewhat important to know the operational requirements… 😬
This week I learned you can start syncing an archival Ethereum node, travel completely around the world, and it still won’t be finished.