@tedmrogers @jgarzik @giacomozucco @xapo What if there are two chains that flip flop back and forth? Better think through the edge cases…
Some folks get upset when they feel that others aren’t playing fair, but it’s all in The Game. pic.twitter.com/GPJ8pz1aTy
lopp If you look around the blockchain space and can’t tell who’s getting scammed, it’s probably you.
Trying to buy bitcoin hardware with a credit card… how appropriate. “Transaction denied by the banking network.” pic.twitter.com/K5qF5qDbMf
@sevcsik I’m not claiming the logic is sound, though perhaps you could make a case for unit bias mattering.
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Except protocols don’t enforce themselve… https://t.co/L1ubXOPWIO
@kerbleski It just means that some blocks are produced by unidentified entities; they could all be at one unidentified pool.
@kerbleski Any given pool probably runs a handful of nodes; it’s not really possible to tell without pretty extensive network analysis.
Bitcoin was designed to withstand both external and internal attacks. Resisting the whims of seemingly powerful entities shows its strength.
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Hmmmm what about timelocked transactions? Or multisig hodlings? 🤔
@Jim_Harper @joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg If we agree to use the same crypto asset… https://t.co/2Alrb8IWi1
@joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg And if you consider that public permissionless proto… https://t.co/Q3T22hekoG
@joshmh @ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Amongst the NYA signers, probably not. Amongst the e… https://t.co/qjtbOQJrfc
Bitcoin implementation nodes in perspective, via coin.dance/nodes pic.twitter.com/oEdIa9xPdu
@ErikVoorhees @Ragnarly @ShapeShift_io @bitcoincoreorg Note that it’s possible for you to keep your word while mini… https://t.co/gT5cfn3O9l