@TheBTCGame According to bitnodes.earn.com/nodes/?q=Gocoin there are 0 publicly reachable gocoin nodes.
Beat Saber + Superhot = Pistol Whip
@JeremyRubin Unfortunately not, but if you can point me to the right tools I’m happy to give it a shot.
@JeremyRubin I’m sure there’s room for improvement, though it seems the low hanging fruit has been plucked. I’d be… https://t.co/za5Wzs15tP
@tututpouet @MartyBent Technically it was the release candidate :-P https://t.co/PZxPqp9yQn
@coinableS Keep the change.
@matikwin Gigabit fiber. The bottleneck is still CPU though; if I didn’t have assumevalid set to 0 then I could syn… https://t.co/9ruMtXPpWU
The results are in! https://t.co/Wyrpvt8c5X
Full validation sync of Parity Bitcoin (commit 7fb158d) to block 601,300 on my benchmark machine took 2 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes.