The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

November 24th, 2019

@badcryptobitch Yeah it seems that very few countries have the same level of shielding for corporate entities as America does.

via Twitter for Android in reply to badcryptobitch

@badcryptobitch I’ve had no trouble registering ISP accounts to LLCs for both rented and owned properties. Sometime…

via Twitter Web App

A VPN provider is just a second ISP; it’s preferable to register accounts for either without using personally ident…

via Twitter Web App

@sanishiver The laws of man are being made irrelevant; good luck.

via Twitter for Android in reply to sanishiver

Drama, fearmongering, and politics are to the mind what sugar is for the body. Your primitive monkey brain craves t…

via Twitter Web App

Bitcoin’s primary function is not “store of value” - that’s a result of its primary function.
Bitcoin is “fuck you…

via Twitter Web App

You don’t need insurance.
You don’t need weapons.
You don’t need backups.
You don’t need privacy.
You don’t need bitcoin.
Until you do.

via Twitter for Android

The Bitcoin Core Config Generator has been updated for compatibility with the 0.19 release.

via Twitter Web App

RT @bitcoincoreorg: Bitcoin Core 0.19.0(.1) was released!
Release notes:

via Twitter Web App