RT @thomasgermain: Ever see an ad on a billboard that seemed a little too specific to your interests? It’s no coincidence. By tracking your…
@ClintEhrlich That would be difficult to do, but the question is what sort of attack are you proposing? Anything si… https://t.co/HtkuxsljRx
Q: What’s stopping big banks and governments from buying all the bitcoins and taking over the network?
A: The fact… https://t.co/Oz4eCk3bj7
@olivierjanss No one “calls the shots” - no one can stop anyone over the long term, though economic realities will… https://t.co/5A7v60dRvz
@olivierjanss Any such test would be flawed if you as a miner are not reliant upon paying your electricity bills wi… https://t.co/RIc19Ixqce
RT @Investnoir: Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Episode 58 - Jameson Lopp https://t.co/kgzMAHUrK9
@LukeDashjr I think the dynamics are a bit different with regard to disease because there’s probably a period of ti… https://t.co/pIU8zcRQG3
@LukeDashjr If you get infected with a disease due to your own decision not to defend yourself against it, then inf… https://t.co/ueUJAwPeoo
@olivierjanss Go ahead, we’ve been waiting for YEARS for someone to demonstrate this claim!
@Suitpossum To be clear, I’m in favor of unions - workers should have the right to voluntarily assemble and use col… https://t.co/k7BWTTZivc
RT @coinmetrics: Coin Metrics and @BitMEXResearch are happy to announce the release of https://t.co/skaQ7gQ8j3, the successor to https://t.…
@Suitpossum That’s an interesting perspective but it seems like an oversimplification. While employees need food or… https://t.co/O3gw6SiRgl
@Suitpossum Coercion requires force; it sounds like the “force” in this situation is biological processes that are… https://t.co/JD9BVGd5Lt
@Suitpossum By exploitation do you mean when I have something you want but you don’t believe the price at which I’m… https://t.co/NZkMOWLp7p
People want positive rights because they want to feel secure, like they have a safety net. But positive rights can… https://t.co/VNBW5v5q8m
If you support both negative & positive rights then you’re a hypocrite at some level. Negative rights mean you beli… https://t.co/MknWwS6BK5