@InPHARMaticist Possibly; looks like I said it several times in 2014.
Tweet: https://t.co/G8d8Qrx8Cc
Interview:… https://t.co/SxFLXbHubH

btcArtGallery Money printer go BRRR into #Bitcoin by
@coinsiglieri updated pic.twitter.com/V9O2aokXck

When you map historic bitcoin exchange rate data to sound frequencies it’s actually quite beautiful. pic.twitter.com/bMMGXWmnqB
@btcArtGallery @phneep @coinsiglieri Not bad, but I’m envisioning an orange Kirby…
RT @CasaHODL: “Be your own bank” sets the bar too low. We can improve upon the status quo - we have the technology. Banks are a single poin…

Is it weird that I read this as “@naval Supremacy” pic.twitter.com/hBu3iqb9et
RT @austin_rief: Should we add #Bitcoin to our ticker? https://t.co/G0QaaAtLs0
Q: What is bitcoin mining?
A: It’s like a lottery where you generate your own lottery tickets with electricity. The… https://t.co/8wSRIqiM8Y
Google searches for “bitcoin halving” have exceeded 300% of the volume seen before the 2016 halving event.… https://t.co/Ocr6Uu3FwZ
@kristjanmik Soooooooo you’re saying they’re reporting ~40%? 🙂
The University of Cambridge has released a map showing geographic distribution of ~40% of bitcoin miner hashpower.… https://t.co/2KAhosvFqw
@specialenmity The principle of least privilege; there’s no point giving someone access to a system if they aren’t using it.
lopp Asking “who controls Bitcoin?” is like asking “who controls English?”