The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 20th, 2020

Can anyone explain how this is not going to end in a day of REKToning? Sounds like a house of cards…

via Twitter Web App

Revolut users will “have complete control” over their crypto that isn’t even proven to exist, as long as they don’t…

via Twitter for Android

Apparently CHAZ rebranded to CHOP - missed opportunity to be The CHAD. The Capitol Hill Anarchist District.

via Twitter for Android

Scammers want your bitcoin; learn how to detect and report scammers at

via Twitter for Android

RT @CasaHODL: How confident are you feeling in your Bitcoin key security?

If you’re contemplating an upgrade … be sure to book a call wi…

via Twitter for Android

Here’s what privileged folks who haven’t been victims of crime don’t understand: it’s HIGHLY unlikely that you will…

via Twitter Web App