@BlockchainLeft @Illaustrian @currtism22 @CaitlinLong_ @nanoseagull That wasn’t a 51% attack.
That was a consensus… https://t.co/g3MFM8tMmW
@currtism22 @CaitlinLong_ @nanoseagull You can’t prove that it’s impossible to attack Bitcoin computationally. You… https://t.co/RalrdLc2Mx
Bitcoin is like rocket science.
It’s mission critical engineering.
The tolerances for failure are nearly nonexist… https://t.co/NlYTx7VX7P
There are no shortcuts to understanding the principles and engineering constraints that drive Bitcoin forward and k… https://t.co/PdASNaBWXD
@hashcashio FYI looks like the SSL cert for your site has expired.
@Hackatoshi Oh dear, looks like the hashcash API I’m using is currently failing due to an expired SSL cert. I’ve le… https://t.co/iSqPLngOYe
@GE_9_9_9 Being a successful entrepreneur in no way helps someone understand the intricacies of decentralized netwo… https://t.co/W5q1Rsl7EY
@realSidhuJag The closest thing that comes to mind is RGB; I think it supports “colored coin” style asset trading o… https://t.co/7NLoFHlpWP
@Robin__masters @SMichaelRyan1 Complexity is the enemy of security; design flaws tend to be hidden in complexity.
Shitcoin liquidity traders swap hot potatoes in and out of complicated smart contracts hoping they don’t get rug pu… https://t.co/6EFG4TfksR
@elonmusk @PPathole @MattWallace888 Clowncar engineering for a joke coin sounds sensible.
@nanoseagull No. Better to have too much security than not enough. Even more so, given that “enough” is unquantifiable.
@WeAreBreaker Looks like your studios web site is down.