@JeremyRubin $200 a month for food? You’re probably not eating enough quality meat.
Bro it’s a trap ya gonna get jacked. https://t.co/xcx2QwIwkA
@blockFanatics @FieldNas @ninoguarisco Yes, very few people have their keys secured in such a way that they are sec… https://t.co/hSWYqgcNwp
@blockFanatics @FieldNas @ninoguarisco It’s not a possibility if you secure your assets such that even you can not… https://t.co/VifsvYRP4f
@FieldNas @blockFanatics @ninoguarisco You make an assumption that paying a ransom will save the life of your loved… https://t.co/HzwXr8OwGa
The most successful people tend to be those who make up jobs that previously did not exist. https://t.co/JMAYvohByq
When you say “we should form a super PAC to donate to politicians so they’ll be pro crypto” I hear “we should negot… https://t.co/kNfws2ZGUq
Trust the science and remember that science says one should not trust the scientists.
You can’t truly own real estate without a standing army.
@SethBoutin Yes I think the key is in how it’s prepared - marinated / tenderized / etc. You can’t just take octopus… https://t.co/VyfO2JSdj9