The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 13th, 2022

RT @robustus: In 2011 when Gox was hacked & BTC market-dumped to a penny, that was the entire ecosys.

In 2012 when pirateat40 blew up, tha…

via Twitter for Android

“You can’t call that project a scam - it was an experiment!”

How many “experiments” does one get to repeat with th…

via Twitter Web App

But it’s always a good time to dump fiat.

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@Pilsner_Maxwell @LynAldenContact It’s pretty clear what that source is.

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@theemikehobart @ShaneTHazel Bitcoin has been in a bull market for a decade 😎

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If you look around the market but can’t find the source of the yield…

it’s because you are the yield.

via Twitter for Android

If this was your first major market correction and you held strong without panicking, you’ve earned your stripes.…

via Twitter Web App

all get rich quick schemes
are get rekt quick schemes

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