The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 5th, 2023

@kurtwuckertjr @Tak_Horigoshi Have fun conveniently ignoring his explicit statement that those assets are in his na…

via Twitter for Android

@kurtwuckertjr @Tak_Horigoshi Nice deflection attempt, scammer apologist!

Craig’s caught in yet another lie and you can’t spin it away.

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@lightcoin I only notice because other folks talk about it. Lightning users unaffected.

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@SquintDev @nickfloats @prestonjbyrne We have the tools for self sovereignty.
But we have to choose to use them…03

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lopp I stand upon the shoulders of giants and as such, invite you to stand upon mine. Use my work with or without…QS

via Hypefury (retweeted on 4:04 PM, May 5th, 2023 via Hypefury)

@PeterMcCormack @ONTIERLLP @SimonCohen85 So now we know Faketoshi will even lie about a single pound!

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@nickfloats @prestonjbyrne And now you should see the value in running AI software on your own hardware.

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Live action Rick & Morty movie?
Should we start a petition?

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@bramcohen something something dankprotosharding amirite

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@LayerTwoLabs We should expect fee volatility as hyped used cases come and go if they are priced out of base…PO

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@bsv_is_bitcoin Bitcoin settles far more transactions (from other layers) by acting as a cryptographic accumulator……N0

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@TheMayan_King For sure, an often-unstated aspect is that the halving just requires the exchange rate to double…UV

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Is Bitcoin’s thermodynamic security budget unsustainable? Run the numbers!

During periods of full blocks, the…VH

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You have to be ignorant or a masochist to predict the death of projects in this space. Even ridiculous and/or…Vu

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@theflowalker @bradmillscan Looks like for nostr.

I’d be fine using either for less sensit…

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Collectibles, grafitti, memes, music, powerful pieces of uniquely constructed art. Talented creative bitcoiners…pe

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