@TuurDemeester @NorthRockLP It will never stop amusing me to see folks point at Luke’s opinions as if they’re widel..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…JZ
@HodlerRanch @adiyoung Managed to dump most of mine several months later above 0.3 BTC per BCH.
@LisVic13 @nic__carter @LarryBitcoin Of course node operators get to decide what blocks and transactions they accep… https://t.co/UwiIJujTyz
@LisVic13 @frankdegods I couldn’t care less.
It’s not support, it’s ambivalence.
@melikebitcoin @frankdegods LOL
@LisVic13 @nic__carter @LarryBitcoin I worked in the email industry for a decade; I know a thing or two about spam…. https://t.co/82nOufJDwc
@LarryBitcoin @Trader88EMP @nic__carter Is this a comedy account now?
You’re trying to do an @udiWertheimer pivot aren’t ya?
@polarpunklabs @MartyBent nah, check out the eyes on @ErikVoorhees!
@MartyBent Maximalism is a big tent these days - folks need to be precise!
@KellCanty @msantoriESQ lolitics
@Trader88EMP @nic__carter @LarryBitcoin No worries, I have proof of whitepaper: https://t.co/nr9PdgEjvL
@LeonidasNFT @saylor Puritans in disbelief.
@msantoriESQ uh WTF does agriculture have to do with it
@LisVic13 @nic__carter @LarryBitcoin You’d have to convince me that Bitcoin block space should not be a free market… https://t.co/PeIXYb4Zbr
@Trader88EMP @nic__carter @LarryBitcoin I shall recite Satoshi’s sayings 100 times and read The Bitcoin Standard nightly for the next month.
@nic__carter @LarryBitcoin Would you believe I was once a big blocker, but changed my mind when presented with new… https://t.co/DVfYi2ij7l
@alpacasw @LarryBitcoin @nic__carter @giacomozucco @RCasatta Woe is me for my impurity!
Have mercy upon me, True Bitcoiners™!

lopp My favorite line in Star Wars is when Watto says government credits aren’t real money. pic.twitter.com/7F8OmqfXth
After some discussion, I concede I was wrong about this.
It’s actually the perfect opportunity to build a predicti..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…L1
@danheld Don’t tell the army of bcashers who have adopted Roger’s used car salesman tactics to pressure retail businesses.

Excited to announce that I have developed the ultimate exercise regimen! pic.twitter.com/olZeRkRCMx
@frankdegods LOL at anyone who tries to claim that Luke is representative of anyone other than Luke.
@GHOSTawyeeBOB Is your vagina really bleeding this bad over some shïtcoiner spam?
@NeerajKA only if you don’t give the thugs their cut
ecurrencyhodler Super exciting to see the @BitcoinDesign community is lead the charge on organizing an event for Global Accessibili..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…By
@GHOSTawyeeBOB You’d have to define attack; there are several definitions. It’s not an attack in terms of violence..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tU
@GHOSTawyeeBOB Intent is subjective. Bitcoin doesn’t care.
On one hand, you could call it “denial of service.”
@GHOSTawyeeBOB The appropriate scenario would be if we’re talking about a toll road.
If a ton of folks paid the to..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Od
@ottosch_ Nope
@GHOSTawyeeBOB I’ll bring a bottle to Miami to collect some of those sweet & salty Bob tears!
A great case study in which Casa’s distributed multi-key system prevented a client from losing funds despite suffer..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bX
@Harrythehorse8 @oomahq 1) That’s a social problem that can’t be fixed with a technical solution. The bitcoin commu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…aj
@Harrythehorse8 I repeat: so what?
Outline what you consider to be the problem and propose a solution.
@ChrisMartl I’d like to see the options for building on other layers continue to increase so that folks can perform..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…2P
Bitcoin provides no guarantees about the cost of transacting on chain.
Rather, it provides assurances about the co..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yp
@crypto_vampire If you agree with me perfectly all of the time, that’s a bad sign!
@BrianLockhart This is a weird narrative.
It’s the BSV folks who like Udi because he trolls puritans.
I don’t see..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…xm
@Harrythehorse8 … so what if BSV folks love ordinals?
What’s that, anon?
Folks are using Bitcoin in ways you disapprove?
Bitcoin is for enemies.
Cry harder.
@hmichellerose @brucefenton Puritanism is when you decree that Bitcoin must only be used in specific ways and shame..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Wa
Do you learn best from structured lectures and homework? Check out these Bitcoin focused classes - the online cours..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…uL