A deep technical dive into the assurances around the accuracy of timestamps in Bitcoin block headers. blog.lopp.net/bitcoin-timest…
@VandelayBTC In that case you must ensure that you run your own AI rather than rent others’ AI.
Restoring old weathered photos used to be an incredibly painstaking process requiring special skills.
Thanks to AI..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…JG
@kiawtzin Nope, the vast majority of hashrate is from industrial scale corporations that are most certainly driven by profit.
@NeerajKA wen @neerajKAfashion?
@kiawtzin I suspect that asking miners to ignore market signals and leave money on the table generally won’t be rec… https://t.co/JrPsLMJ9Lb
@ConspiracyBTC That’s the kind of outside the box thinking that’s gonna give you an edge!
Large scale boycotts basically never work because few folks prioritize ideology over convenience / comfort / practi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…3u

lopp “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” - Richard Feynman pic.twitter.com/n3blD8GmJB
@ErgoBTC @LaurentMT looks like https://t.co/oVXJviYqS9 is down; is this temporary?
@1440000bytes Because it’s evergreen content.
The identities of the key holders is irrelevant, as explained in the article.
@1440000bytes Nah, that’s why the section above says “at time of writing.” Not interested in having to maintain bl..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…un
A crypto businessman was kidnapped in Benalmadena, Spain. His attackers sent this photo to a friend and demanded €1..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gf
@alexbosworth I’m quite sure that bitcoin miners are already taxed on their profits.
@_JustCory_ @kurtwuckertjr @Tak_Horigoshi 1. You mean “you’re” - it’s called a contraction. I suggest you learn Eng… https://t.co/aBFwILmgD0
☝️Update: this essay is now available in audio form, narrated by @TheGuySwann! Link is at the top of the post.
A deep dive into the security practices and power distribution of the Bitcoin Core project. blog.lopp.net/who-controls-b…
Craig Wright: “I have hundreds of acres of property in my name.”
Also Craig Wright: “All real property in my name..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bF
@kurtwuckertjr @Tak_Horigoshi Kurt casts whataboutism in another deflection attempt!
Lopp employs logic to call out the fallacy!