The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 19th, 2023

lopp The illusion of choice in a two party system.

via Hypefury (retweeted on 4:04 PM, May 19th, 2023 via Hypefury)

I deeply disagree with using “democracy” as a synonym for “freedom” but hey, statist’s gonna state.

via Twitter for Android

“Bitcoin embodies transparency and trust.”

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr

via Twitter for Android

“The Constitution does not have a pandemic exception. It was written to protect our rights when times are bad,…td

via Twitter for Android

@LydonJC Shutting people off from the financial system.

via Twitter for Android in reply to LydonJC

“A country that has the ability to starve its citizens when they are disobedient will turn into a nation of serfs.”…g4

via Twitter for Android

BowTiedMara People are starting to take out the metal of $2 peso coins, which is worth $12 in metals. Makes sense.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:08 AM, May 19th, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

@theflowalker It’s an overloaded word. You’re referring to the use of the term with regard to technology rather…wQ

via Twitter Web App in reply to theflowalker

@MeanHash No. Even if a majority of nodes and/or miners decide to change the rules in a certain way, they can not…za

via Twitter Web App in reply to MeanHash

@Taram_Caldar False. It is you who needs to do research. You can start here:…

via Twitter Web App in reply to Taram_Caldar

@DismalDefi Anarchy literally means “without rulers.” It does not mean “without rules” - that’s government…dl

via Twitter Web App in reply to DismalDefi

Bitcoin is NOT a democracy.
Bitcoin is anarchy.
Rules without rulers.

via Twitter for Android

Podcasts are great way to keep up with current events in Bitcoin land. Quality podcasts provide high signal, low…u5

via Hypefury