RT @milessuter: Will you hold the line anon? https://t.co/bOU6EXaChZ

lopp The illusion of choice in a two party system. pic.twitter.com/9tFCcJttpo
I deeply disagree with using “democracy” as a synonym for “freedom” but hey, statist’s gonna state.
“Bitcoin embodies transparency and trust.”
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr
“The Constitution does not have a pandemic exception. It was written to protect our rights when times are bad, not..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…td
@LydonJC Shutting people off from the financial system.
“A country that has the ability to starve its citizens when they are disobedient will turn into a nation of serfs.”..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…g4

Standing room only for @saylor pic.twitter.com/rivXimqHws
BowTiedMara People are starting to take out the metal of $2 peso coins, which is worth $12 in metals. Makes sense. twitter.com/plexaleok/stat…
@theflowalker It’s an overloaded word. You’re referring to the use of the term with regard to technology rather tha..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…wQ
@MeanHash No. Even if a majority of nodes and/or miners decide to change the rules in a certain way, they can not f..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…za
@Taram_Caldar False. It is you who needs to do research. You can start here: lopp.net/bitcoin-inform…
@DismalDefi Anarchy literally means “without rulers.” It does not mean “without rules” - that’s government propagan..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…dl
Bitcoin is NOT a democracy.
Bitcoin is anarchy.
Rules without rulers.
Podcasts are great way to keep up with current events in Bitcoin land. Quality podcasts provide high signal, low no..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…u5