4Chan is running a Flappy Bird gambling ring that uses Bitcoin. lulz. http://t.co/fXN4WW3Ji4
@polemitis @kevinroose @pmarca HA, you almost scared me for a minute because I thought you said @kevinrose. Phew, that was close. :-)
@pgkiran @CoinChomp Sure, you’re saying that your custodian doesn’t allow it. I’m saying that IRA Services does.
.@blockchain announces acquisition of rtbtc.com via @zeroblock to launch their own trading platform.
@flyosity Think of M-of-N signatures as adding “two factor auth” to an address at the blockchain level.
@flyosity It’s an address that’s linked to N private keys. It can’t send funds unless M of the private keys are used to sign the tx.
@flyosity Did you check out the link I posted last night? This sounds like an excellent solution: api.trustedcoin.com/wallet/#/
@sandpiled No idea, though to be honest, I don’t recall ever hearing of someone performing multisig transactions with alt-coins. IDK why not
@pgkiran @CoinChomp Also, you can’t invest in the BIT unless you are an accredited investor with a million dollars in assets.