@HiFiLoRau @TriangleBIZJrnl @AmerUnderground @HQRaleigh Dude, you didn’t tell me you were the Prince of Bitcoin! :-P
RT @HiFiLoRau: Doh. This happened. @TriangleBIZJrnl: A chat with #Durham’s ‘Prince of Bitcoin:’ http://t.co/ubzVV3rLGl @AmerUnderground @hq…
@pmarca There will never be enough to sate the creativity of engineers.
RT @aantonop: The fundraising address for Dorian, contains the word “Dorian” and is signed by my PGP key. NO OTHER ADDRESSES.
If Dorian Nakamoto had been incorrectly doxxed as the mysterious creator of Dogecoin, he’d already be a multi-dogeillionaire from donations.
@mikestable Indeed, the technical complexity of Bitcoin is just exposing the weaknesses in the world of journalism.
@mikestable It’s interesting to see the interaction of this leaderless community w/the media orgs. I agree w/@pmarca https://t.co/fDHcpgJcMf
@mikestable Based upon the messages and phone calls that I receive when FUD comes out, it appears that non-bitcoiners are paying attention.
@mikestable *shrugs* my interpretation is that bitcoiners are tired of media FUD. Unfortunately, more people believe media over tech crowd.
@mikestable What’s the conspiracy? All I see is a journalist wanting to make a name for herself and not doing due diligence.
@genophilia @CathyReisenwitz LOL, that’s rich. You think supporting free market competition is anti-white?
I won’t be watching The Walking Dead this Sunday; nothing can trump @neiltyson & @SethMacFarlane’s reboot of Cosmos. http://t.co/1OAjce7wTs
Dear @newsweek, @truth_eater, and all mainstream media: RTFM. http://t.co/heoghDE0SY
@FollowBeebs @FollowChadwick LOL, way to double down, @Newsweek.
After all the journalists’ proclamations of Bitcoin dying, I dare say it is time for Bitcoin to declare the death of journalism.
pmarca In general: There is a growing CP Snow-style divide between people who trust math/science/tech and people who trust people/institutions.