@TheStalwart It’s not news until it’s proven. It’s not proven until Satoshi proves it himself.
@chamath Nope, that’s just what “they” want you to think.
@BTC4BIZ @msantoriESQ @nickjachelson @Newsweek I think you misunderstood. I was talking about Satoshi Nakamoto, not Satoshi Nakamoto.
@kyledrake I’m sure that the inventor is, at the very least, several such people.
@WaltFrench @binarybits Many of the coins known to have been mined by Satoshi have never been moved. Though he could have given keys away.
@mikestable IIRC, this is from “Nitro Circus” - it’s on Netflix. Watch it.
@binarybits He’s known to have mined ~1M BTC. Though there’s no way you could extract that much value from the exchanges.
@barrysilbert We’ve really got to get you deeper into the Internet. Watch out for the deep end of the deep web, though. Bring floaties.
RT @Bitcoin_Watcher: @lopp @cryptocoinage @jonwaller thinks so https://t.co/TTSvzLia2M
@truth_eater @cryptotraveler @Newsweek LOL, hello annnnnnnnnd goodbye!
@BenDoernberg Additionally, one cannot kill cryptocurrency because it is fundamentally an idea.
@cfarivar For any of a number of reasons, but I’m not in the business of speculating or analyzing psychology. I stick to the facts.
@cfarivar Circumstantial evidence is not convincing evidence.
@cfarivar He used [email protected] and [email protected]
@cfarivar There are available methods that would be decent proof, such as tying Satoshi’s known email addresses to this man.
@cfarivar Nope, anybody can do that. If Satoshi wishes to identify himself, he must sign a message or move coins known to belong to him.
@cfarivar Your logic is impeccable. I’m not denying that I’m Satoshi Nakamoto, either!
@cabel @zdurd @paulrobichaux Fundamental question that @truth_eater has yet to answer is why she thinks she has proven he created Bitcoin.
RT @CoinChomp: Journalist Harrasses Man Believing Him to be Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto: http://t.co/bHmd3z1yBn
@cryptotraveler Is it the people in said community who believe the media? Or the people who are NOT in the community? Seems the latter to me
nickjachelson @lopp @Newsweek @truth_eater he could buy Newsweek and fire all the people :)
@truth_eater My question is this: where in your piece did you prove that this man created Bitcoin? I only see circumstantial evidence.
@paulrobichaux It’s a little late for that. @truth_eater has opened Pandora’s Box.
@flyosity They’ll be more upset if any harm comes to Satoshi. Much more upset.
Does Satoshi Nakamoto have any legal recourse to sue @Newsweek / @truth_eater for unsubstantiated claims that he is Satoshi Nakamoto?
@Charlie_L_Hall @ian_birnbaum @truth_eater Agreed; that is suspicious to say the least.
@CoinChomp A decent biography, but shamefully deficient in the “evidence” department.
@pkedrosky @joshk This piece is entirely based upon circumstantial evidence. No proof has been provided.
@Charlie_L_Hall Nope, while it may or may not be him, @truth_eater has proven nothing.
@CarterD Um, no. @truth_eater pulled off a helluva piece of circumstantial evidence and proved… nothing.
I am Satoshi Nakamoto!
@cryptotraveler I like where you’re going with this.
@TriangleBitcoin IDK, is torture considered to be worse than death?
@pierebel @TriangleBitcoin Quite true, just saying that that’s one step closer to proof than we even have from Newsweek. :-)
@cryptotraveler Bitcoin “journalism” has done a marvelous job at exposing what passes for news reporting these days. Entertainment > facts.
@TriangleBitcoin Or, you know, finding a guy who actually admits to being Satoshi is a start. That’s more than we even have in this case…
Congratulations, @truth_eater, you have proven absolutely nothing. Let’s just hope you haven’t ruined a man’s life.
gavinandresen I’m disappointed Newsweek decided to dox the Nakamoto family, and regret talking to Leah.