Regarding MTGOX: “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
@flyosity It would be a damn shame if you were forced to view Facebook ads in virtual reality.

There appears to be a correlation between Bitcoin market value and Metcalfe’s Law. [correlation != causation]
RT @a_greenberg: Satoshi Nakamoto’s Neighbor: The Bitcoin Ghostwriter Who Wasn’t
@cryptotraveler @jessevanek @wayann Hard to say. If people get back bitcoins that they wrote off, they might dump them for “safety” of fiat.
@wayann @jessevanek Wouldn’t surprise me - I’ve been saying all along that loss due to incompetence makes more sense than theft.
RT @OverkillCoin: Like all crapcoins we’ve had a turbulent launch. But finally we’re here! IPO folks, cash out quick! Buy in, chumps! http:…
It looks like DOGE4NASCAR is actually going to happen, thanks in no small part to @moolah_io!
@mikestable NSA will no longer collect data; we’ll just have the phone companies collect it on our behalf. LOL!
@eric7urner @CoinChomp Don’t get me wrong, it’s high risk and potentially high reward if you hit the jackpot!
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Good, b/c it’s pointless to fight against a system of voluntary interaction. No one is forcing you to participate.
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Well then, I guess we can all go about our lives now that the authority has spoken. :-)
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Those of us who understand that if you don’t hold it (private keys to BTC addresses) didn’t store BTC on Gox.
@anjiecast @zfurnas I’m not sure that it’s possible to ever achieve consensus with regard to philosophy…
@anjiecast @zfurnas Glad you agree. Admittedly, discussion of “value” tends to be more philosophical than technical… it’s also subjective!
zfurnas @anjiecast @lopp’s right. But you could generalize to: “next time anyone starts asserting “intrinsic value” of anything, stop listening.”
Preliminary summary of @petertoddbtc’s Tree Chains project has been published
@CoinChomp @eric7urner Pre-ordering mining equipment is just making a gamble on top of a gamble. I don’t recommend it to anyone.
businessinsider Kim Dotcom mocks authorities as his new cloud company is valued at $180 million
RT @Dinosn: Prezi Got Pwned: A Tale of Responsible Disclosure