@AddisonTodd Looks like a deterministic brain wallet, which is generally not recommended. See http://t.co/nsNaXXC71x
Promising: TrustedCoin strives for web wallet convenience with cold storage level security via multisig addresses. api.trustedcoin.com/wallet/#/
Just posted my first piece on @CoinChomp - “How to Invest in Bitcoin Within a Tax Sheltered Retirement Account” http://t.co/ee5ftIeyMd
@gigq Looking forward to seeing your finished Milksteak.
@polemitis @NYTimeskrugman @WarrenBuffett @RobertJShiller Seems to me that the economists only ever analyze it from the ‘currency’ viewpoint
@polemitis Is there any system in existence with use cases as multifaceted as cryptocurrency?
@LittleShibe Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you ;-)
@CoinBaron I would think that it would be important for such a trust system to be integrated into popular wallet software.
@CoinBaron Difficult to quantify because would depend on how much exposure the trust system gains. Seems that many gox lusers were ignorant.
@LittleShibe Do you think crypto itself is insecure? Or is it simply because we are relying on other insecure software to keep it safe?
It seems to me that we are in need of a decentralized Better Bitcoin Business Bureau that operates via a Web of Trust.
If you want to better understand my assertion that “money is time” you should watch “In Time.” http://t.co/xYj0rVDqKC