Facebook’s Security Director leaves for @coinbase, stating “I’ve decided that crypto currency is worth protecting.” http://t.co/NunkwGXXaN
@jgarzik What stopped you?
@barrysilbert @WSJ @mikejcasey @paulvigna Good luck, Barry! @winklevoss and @tylerwinklevoss have a habit of winning races…
barrysilbert News is out: SecondMarket seeks to open bitcoin fund as early as fourth quarter. on.wsj.com/1ow8bPW via @WSJ @mikejcasey @paulvigna
emilepetrone Today we launched the new Tindie! MOAR awesomeness is on the way! tindie.com
I donned my robe and DevOps hat for my latest @CoinChomp post: “Bitcoin Nodes: How Many is Enough?” http://t.co/DvnSfNjNTz
@Magnus919 @TriangleDevOps DevOps for distributed open source software projects
Shout out to @tomhanks https://t.co/Axvaxgjk6a
“Intrinsic value” is a fallacy. All value is subjective and relative to one’s situation / perspective.
@_JasonCooper @flyosity @AInsights Nope, I’ve only ever heard of Bleacher Report automating content for sports articles.
@flyosity Think the journalists are quaking in their boots?
@oleganza Welcome to the free market - it can be a confusing place :-)
The U.K. has unveiled a new 12-sided pound coin that is being hailed as the most secure coin in the world. *snicker* http://t.co/LA0sHt22P0
@mikestable Is the NSA tapping our water supply? lulz http://t.co/hWTkF7tBDE
“To reduce confusion between Bitcoin-the-network and Bitcoin-the-software we renamed the reference client to Bitcoin Core.” @gavinandresen
RT @gavinandresen: Bitcoin Core version 0.9.0 is finished! Download binaries from https://t.co/Brm6CPBw58 — report bugs to https://t.co/hz…
The most successful Bitcoin companies will be those that shift our need to trust the company (and its security practices) onto the protocol.