It’s never a good sign when you come home to find multicolored dotted lines spray painted all over your yard.
@pig_poetry @danlowe @Jeremy_DeGroot Actually, @bitpay has a payroll API.
@danlowe @Jeremy_DeGroot @pig_poetry The Bank of Bitcoin is open 24/7/365 and there are no lines.
@pig_poetry @danlowe Also, avoid them on the bi-weekly payday.
RT @BillNBing: “You can’t kill an idea” - read to better understand #Bitcoin and why there is so much divide on the subject:…
The opinion of anyone who doesn’t fully understand [Subject X] is irrelevant, regardless of their fame or accolades.
“A number with more than two decimals is not perceived as a price but as a geeky number that you convert to local currency.” - @TamasBlummer

The debate about which units the Bitcoin community should default to has been reignited on the core dev mailing list.
@pig_poetry I just realized that the facial hair you’re sporting on Twitter is the inverse of your real life facial hair.
@pig_poetry You have fallen directly into my trap!
@NTmoney He doesn’t have to believe in Bitcoin; Bitcoin believes in him.
@pig_poetry That’s like, your opinion, man.
As you add more engineers to a code review, the time & # of changes needed to achieve consensus asymptotically approaches infinity.
Yet another mass murder in China - proof that China doesn’t have strict enough knife control, amirite?
@mark_a_phelps Did you create a mater branch?
“Economics can be a science. As it is practiced today, it is most definitely not.” @cal_abel
RT @BillNBing: “You can’t kill an idea” — why #Bitcoin has such strong support cc @lopp @bradwheeler