Throwback Thursday: Bitcoin Core versions < 0.6 used IRC channels to learn the IP addresses of other nodes.
@rjurney Oops, you’ve changed your mind rather quickly, eh?
@tuurdemeester Pretty sure we’ve established that difficulty follows price, not vice versa.
@jgarzik @kncminer “Shipment begins in Q2/Q3 of 2014” ಠ_ಠI expect more precision for a $10,000 investment.
I find it difficult to believe that there is much overlap between Dogecoin enthusiasts and NASCAR fans, but hey, what do I know?
@flyosity Zero tolerance for anyone who interferes with Darwinism!
@pmccall777 @dailytarheel I value @flyosity’s candidness in that he will not hesitate to disagree with me :-)
@flyosity I need your professional design opinion. Is it just me or is @dailytarheel’s redesign terrible?