@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Though it would increase the orphan rate risk due to increasing block propagation times. Need IBLT to fix that.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets A block size increase ought to decrease disparity of subsidy vs fees due to increasing transaction volume.
@pierebel Cool, I’ve been editing the install instructions to match the changes I’ve made; LMK if you run into issues following them.
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard It should be less crappy now, thanks!
@pierebel I ran it with 2GB RAM until just a few months ago; it would probably be fine with 2GB. http://t.co/Xpf6QgjNlu
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard Gotcha; that’s the only HTML I coded by hand and it’s clear I’m not a front end dev… will work on that.
@pierebel I’ve got server specs posted at https://t.co/5rJw0MqSEt
@coolbearcjs @pierre_rochard It doesn’t seem to load in the Twitter app’s browser, but it should load in a mobile browser…
@pierre_rochard statoshi.info now supports individual user accounts, however there are some kinks to work out WRT data access.
It’s my pleasure to unveil the new and improved statoshi.info
@masonic_tweets @WillyBruns disparity b/t block subsidy and transaction fees along with risk of orphan races is incentive for empty blocks.
@masonic_tweets @WillyBruns No one can force miners to put any transactions into a block other than the coinbase transaction :-)
@grafana @torkelo This dashlist panel documentation appears to be broken: http://t.co/Z9UoyMkdVJ
@PestoPoppa @petertoddbtc If you don’t see the incentive in running a full node then you shouldn’t run one.
@scottmelker It would be a damn shame if someone were to upload their archived copy of The Melker Project to @tpb…
scottmelker RIP to the 30 million listens I had on my soundcloud page before everything was taken down.