@jeffcliff1 Yeah, unfortunately the visualization software I’m using (Grafana) is a pure javascript application.
@arlogilbert Great; you can reach me at [email protected]
@least_nathan Not orphans, just more “invitation” messages from different peers to download that block.
The block size debate has steamrolled all the way to http://t.co/nc8CRqNLwK https://t.co/by8MHXccqA
@eordano @maraoz Sorry I just missed you guys - I was in the bay area the past several weeks but am back in NC now.
orweinberger So @itayw and myself prepared a pretty cool #geo #visualization of unconfirmed #bitcoin TXs analytx.io
@torkelo Any plans to update the docker build to install Grafana 2.0? https://t.co/6KEFcHqsbV
I’m posting a 1 BTC bounty for whoever Dockerizes the Statoshi software stack successfully. https://t.co/YDlvOSGdJq

@ChrisTauziet @flyosity MFW I read “Facebook” and “privately” in the same sentence. i.imgur.com/2c7dLRb.gif

Tx fees hovering around 30K satoshis / KB; I personally find 10K / KB works well, but Bitcoin Core recommends more… pic.twitter.com/MzpGuBPeMW
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets FWIW I think @petertoddbtc’s replace by fee mechanism will help wallets respond to dynamic market conditions.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets The problem IMO is that we don’t have a straightforward fee market with a tight feedback loop, instead we guess.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Gavin did release his ‘smart fee’ estimation in 0.10 but it’s not perfect either. http://t.co/g2uDn6sL8U
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets Most wallets from what I’ve seen don’t have dynamic fee mechanisms, just hard coded fees.
@WillyBruns @masonic_tweets From a market standpoint, “higher fees” as a solution makes sense, but as a wallet engineer I see problems.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Sure; I suspect people will continue working on other options until the clock runs out.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Lots of proposals floating around, but until one is agreed upon and rolled out, stagnation looms on horizon.
@LarryBitcoin @morcosa @pwuille Never increasing tx volume the network is capable of processing == stagnation, which is current outlook.