The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 23rd, 2015

@torkelo Hey, can you kick off another nightly build?

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@danielcawrey Buttcoiners, paid shills, and Reddit mob mentality.

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@ryanxcharles @balajis I just need to propose that we accept BTC for loan repayments at my next credit union board meeting ;-)

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“In order to sustain the price of bitcoin, we need to close the loops.” - @balajis

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RT @balajis: A recent talk at @khoslaventures’ CEO summit. Some new things, some old. May be of interest:

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@CathyReisenwitz Word; getting divorced was one of the best things I ever did. Then again, I caught her sleeping w/her coworker…

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@BlueMeanie4 In case you didn’t get the reference, that’s “2 Chainz”

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Q: What do you get when a block chain forks?

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@el33th4xor Well, do you count asset forfeiture as stealing from suspects?

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How long before the first @soylent @eatingcontest is held?

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@mikeinspace With the belief that in some cases, hard forking is like eating your vegetables.

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@masonic_tweets LOL I was wondering why they didn’t sustain the 20TPS they promised. They only hit 14 TPS for 10 min

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I like big blocks and I cannot lie.
I hate hard forks; that I can’t deny.

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