The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 29th, 2015

@orderofstuff What’s the deal with Amagi these days?

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@oznathan @Generalstuff101 I hope so; I’m just pushing back against journalism like this:

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The first Triangle Bitcoin and Business meetup is tomorrow; I’m looking forward to having some great discussions!

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@adrjeffries @twobitidiot But really, we don’t even know what Bitcoin will look like in 10 years, much less 100 years.

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@adrjeffries @twobitidiot I speculate that if Bitcoin still exists in a hundred years, transaction fees will dwarf the block rewards.

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A) Bitcoin has sustained itself for 6 years on ‘wasted’ electricity.
B) Bitcoin’s primary goal is not efficiency.

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@adrjeffries @twobitidiot Yes, I’ve clarified in the comments on the article.

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@adrjeffries @twobitidiot “to launch a 34 percent or 51 percent attack [where an attacker can alter transactions as they please]” *facepalm*

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@adrjeffries @twobitidiot “Bitcoin mining is guaranteed to stop after 21M coins have been mined, lowering electricity usage.” *facepalm*

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@ka_brok @aantonop I think Greece is reminding many Bitcoin users of Bitcoin’s strengths, thus they’re buying more.

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@Generalstuff101 It’s fine with me; I don’t think Bitcoin is ready for mass adoption yet due to scalability issues.

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@Generalstuff101 Completely agree, which is why I’m glad to be working for @BitGo, tackling those very problems.

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Still waiting for to make good on their promise for another stress test…

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IMO recent rise in BTC exchange rate is more likely to be due to increased demand from current Bitcoin users rather than new Greek users.

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