@torkelo Do you accept bitcoin donations?
@AlpacaSW @kristovatlas Because decentralization is more valuable than maintaining a low cost of access?
@LaurentMT @NickSzabo4 Hmmm no mention of the backbone network; doesn’t that help as well?
@ryanxcharles @masonic_tweets @adam3us We all have interests and I, for one, am quite interested in everyone’s interests!
@kristovatlas Send tainted coins to blacklist-supporting entities, causing them to buckle under the weight of their paradoxical situation.
kristovatlas Coin analytics will give way to blockchain trolling, where you send coins deemed “tainted” to random people or your enemies.
@jonmatonis And total XT nodes > 2% xtnodes.com
@twobitidiot The title really made me initially think that they were saying it’s yet another Bitcoin exit scam :-/