@mikestable @ddahlke You can literally watch ice melting live right now on @WRAL http://t.co/yJSmPnsP5E
@torkelo Gotcha; yeah I just needed to be more explicit about which types of files I set the expires headers on. Thanks!
@torkelo If I set Apache expires headers on Grafana content, it breaks the lefthand nav login/logout functionality. Any idea why?
@muneeb Is it completely infeasible to merge in all of the upstream changes? Seems like it might be worth your time…
@muneeb Thanks for the shout-out; I didn’t know namecoind is so unreliable! What is the most common reason for it crashing?
@ziggamon @aantonop Based upon the definitions of “promise” and “contract,” they do not require the statement / terms to be breakable.
@ziggamon @aantonop Look at payment channels, for example. Terms are set at opening of channel in such a way that a party can’t steal BTC.
@ziggamon @aantonop I understand this as “irrevocable promise” == “unbreakable contract” in that the terms are executed automatically.
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