The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 9th, 2015

Sidechain Elements blocks have coinbase transactions of 0 value; if you try generating blocks you’re gonna have a bad time…

via Twitter Web Client

@vinmoor @gavinandresen Indeed, it’s hard to get consensus about what should be acceptable resource usage for running a node.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to vinmoor

RT @ryanxcharles: Better Signatures, Better Privacy, and Better Fees in the BitGo Web App and Chrome App

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.@pwuille & Greg Maxwell on why sidechains are not a scalability solution in and of themselves:

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@twobitidiot @jgarzik Well then I guess @MasterCard can stop wasting their resources fighting it. :-D

via Twitter for Android in reply to twobitidiot