The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 22nd, 2017

Due to a quirk in Bitcoin Testnet’s unique difficulty adjustment algorithm, 20,405,434 TBTC have been issued in 6 years.

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Pro tip: buy bitcoins today so that you can afford to pay the transaction fees in the future.

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@flyosity this bot needs more followers: @Germanwordfor

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What’s the German word for when you create sanity checks and then over time the world changes and what used to be insane is the new normal?

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@CharlieShrem It’s within normal variance; doesn’t indicate any change, at least not yet.

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@timpastoor @btccom_official @DarrenMills @twobitidiot Well, I work for @BitGo soooo yes, I’m a big fan of that model 💍🏻

via Twitter Web Client in reply to timpastoor

@twobitidiot Perhaps it’s time to rethink your position on noncustodial wallets?

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I’ve been testing running Statoshi on a pruned node and it’s doing well. Would be interesting to compare metrics with an archival node.

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