@Technom4ge @OneMorePeter @morcosa @gavinandresen Indeed, the hatred is baked right into the code. 🙄 https://t.co/lKbJsHkV9y
@juan_manini If miners decided to change rules to suddenly not enforce segwit & spend outputs, all upgraded nodes would reject their blocks.
@juan_manini The same thing that keeps miners from ever rolling back the chain - the sheer electrical consumption required to do so.
@billbarhydt @nvk Better update that trading volume chart… https://t.co/g62PPLLk9F https://t.co/fT5eVpYUcu
@flyosity “The rules” are a smokescreen. Spoke with a congressman last week who said most common action is to suspend existing rules.
@TheBlueMatt @gavinandresen Indeed, in my experience professional post-mortems should go out of their way to avoid naming/shaming.
@covati I see a rollover wreck on 40W, maybe the rubberneckers are slowing you down.

Segregated Witness as a soft fork vs as a hard fork. H/T @rusty_twit @TheBlueMatt pic.twitter.com/78WeLZnF25
@ssoeborg Not enough energy in the world to exceed the max difficulty. Only real problem would be if we suddenly lo… https://t.co/G0gE15pvro