@Excellion @el33th4xor I thought the general agreement was that if it’s suboptimal, the market will work itself out.
@TaylorGerring Not if the result of voting is the side that reaches an arbitrary threshold % gets to force their decision on others.
@Bulldozer0 Are you kidding? Nation states are about as authoritarian as it gets.
@TheBlueMatt @el33th4xor @sysmannet Seems to me that BitFury gave up over 2 BTC in fees with the 2 blocks between F… https://t.co/jhDigRMW7y
If someone says they’re voting to change Bitcoin, it’s a warning sign. Authoritarian systems use voting; voluntary systems use signaling.
@ARKblockchain @dangermouse117 @BKBrianKelly I can’t help but be reminded of models that predicted $1M BTC by now 🙃 https://t.co/m1hyE1lCLK
@dgenr818 @lucas_lclc I’m not sure that anyone signing road maps counts for much in the first place. I’ve never signed any.
@spiroseliot IDK, I’m hoping everyone was just busy having a life over the weekend :-)
@Ethan_Heilman @reddit General problem is many entities don’t /know/ they are repeatedly paying each other on-chain. LN solves automatically
@Ethan_Heilman @reddit There is room for massive efficiency gains here, which is why I’m so optimistic about LN.
@crainbf @TaylorGerring Major contention is between how much it should cost to run a node vs how much it should cost to send a txn. 🙃
@TaylorGerring @crainbf Yep, more and more use cases getting priced off the blockchain. See my recent tweet about mining payouts for example
@crainbf @TaylorGerring Indeed, but neither is Bitcoin a normal system. Data scarcity doesn’t really exist in other payment systems.
@crainbf @TaylorGerring Paying around 140 satoshis / byte? That seems to be the going rate.
@dgenr818 @lucas_lclc Bitcoin itself came from an obscure source. Identity is irrelevant in the market of ideas.
Pools clamoring for control over block size could make better use of current space by ceasing tiny daily payouts. https://t.co/5hgpQa0BGe