@prestonjbyrne My 401K thanks them.
@VinnyLingham The starve the miners idea? I’m not sure how well it would work since some may have sufficient reserv… https://t.co/z5KYagA8Tv
Given recent gains, I’d gladly sacrifice half of my BTC in return for activating SegWit & moving past current scaling drama/deadlock.
Wishful thinking - definitely not investment advice. What I’ve found most striking about this bull run is the numbn… https://t.co/TVZILnV5fa
RT @malgorithms: NEWS! Official Keybase extension for Chrome — End-to-end encrypted chat from Twitter, Reddit, HN, etc. profiles. https://…
I was just shown a YouTube advertisement for this ICO when trying to watch a Bitcoin video. Peak ICO confirmed? https://t.co/I5V5trrTAj
@kristovatlas We should crowdfund a desalination machine for you 😬
@ziggamon One can speak without being hateful, though I believe the vast majority of users don’t even care to speak.
I witnessed hugs & handshakes between many supposed “enemies” during Consensus 2017. I reject the vitriol perpetuated by a vocal minority.
Professor @camharvey’s cryptofinance class is so popular at @DukeFuqua that 1/3 of MBA students end up taking it before graduating.
“Academia often only teaches students the past. It’s my responsibility to ensure my students are disruptors, not disruptees.” - @camharvey