@Ps1d3r @TimurKhamitov @DanyAlos No offense, I’ve just had this argument more times than I can count in the past 5… https://t.co/z4g2EOYOsz
@Egon_01 @ryanxcharles @YoursNetwork @SDLerner You can read the entire mailing list discussion here: https://t.co/GjdoAPfqRE
@Egon_01 @ryanxcharles @YoursNetwork Bitcointalk is run by Theymos, not Blockstream. Dev list is moderated by 5 peo… https://t.co/GKhDmlD8FW
Xthin Blocks: the feature that keeps on giving. IIRC, this is the 4th network-wide BU crash. https://t.co/4eULnwxXgG https://t.co/BOqKDw5w2s