@dianacbiggs @AAinslie As the saying goes: any press is good press.
Bitcoin is an idea.
Ideas are mind viruses.
Mind viruses spread via comms channels.
Some immune systems will reject your virus strain.
@brianchoffman Confirmed. Shit is now at HEAD^
@ncweaver You can’t destroy an idea.
@Seccour_FR @sovereignmonkey @lightning Right; the scenarios are:
1) Avoid by not running unpatched software
2) Mak… https://t.co/WjDoS8Vntw
@izakaminska @iang_fc Nevertheless, Bitcoin may find its user base growing as a result.
@floho @lightning I’m advocating for fungibility and improved user experience. Sound money doesn’t care what it’s being used for.
Neat proposal from @LukeDashjr to enable creation of txns that can only be mined by miners signaling an upgrade. https://t.co/bsYgwSr7Je
@machinestarts Nope, it’s from a friend of mine.
A Bitcoin @lightning network would make it safer for users to pay cryptolocker ransoms. Stuck unconfirmed on-chain… https://t.co/if2RwFUD0G
What if the cause of recent Bitcoin transaction backlogs is a surge of ransomware payments? 🤔

Ransomware spotted at a Costa Rican airport. On the plus side: free Bitcoin advertising! pic.twitter.com/yfNEZeiu2n
Definition of insanity: repeating the same actions & expecting different results. Here’s to you, scaling debaters w… https://t.co/mNdDdRVq0s
A chat with @maxkeiser about the politicization of Bitcoin and achieving forex domination in spite of it.… https://t.co/YMFXSd5aob
RT @mikeinspace: Bitcoin Car Talk: Episode 8 with Bram Cohen discussing “Proof of Storage” cryptocurrency. https://t.co/OjWdA9NRxn @lopp