@Melt_Dem @BraytonKey If a banker looked at my checking account they’d think I’m living paycheck to paycheck.
Are we witnessing the crypto-economy pulling itself up by its own bootstraps?https://t.co/eKQU6t1qmP
@jgarzik @naval Relevant: https://t.co/KGPAcPfZPY
@mecampbellsoup So it goes with low friction free markets.
@alex $GBTC is @GrayscaleInvest’s OTC product for the @BitcoinTrust; only (easy) way to get BTC exposure inside retirement accounts.
@josephjpeters @CharlieShrem Assuming the PoS fork doesn’t result in another chain split, thus doubling the supply again 🙃
The @AttentionToken ICO sold out in ~30s but investors haven’t gotten the memo & are still sending to the contract. https://t.co/BqMkCbeBIW
Could ICOs leverage @civickey’s ICO tokens in order to more fairly distribute ICO tokens at rates capped per uniquely identified investor? 🤔
@jebus911 BAT was pre-FOMO’d via custom smart contracts, from what I hear…
Idea: “beer goggles” plugins for crypto wallets. ICO will be for tokens to vote for the next wallet to support. A la https://t.co/6t4lqOwrkh
naval Good tokens coordinate distributed actors to provide and allocate scarce network resources. The rest are just equity by another name.
@theinstagibbs Sure they can but I suspect they don’t immediately liquidate everything. Wouldn’t we see significant price drops post-ICOs?
$GBTC currently sitting at ~125% premium over BTC - pretty sure that’s an all time high premium. Doubtful this will… https://t.co/YuCxh5Bbqq
How much money has been invested in ICOs? It it sufficient that it could be greatly reducing circulation of ETH, further driving up price?
ICO FOMO shows:
1. If nothing else, Ethereum is a successful fundraising platform.
2. The crypto-rich are desperate to ride the next bubble.

@MrChrisEllis We require more vespene gas! pic.twitter.com/NpnxuvT5oN
Raising $35M in 24 seconds is 🔥, but we can’t know the size of the ICO bubble unless folks remove these safety caps! https://t.co/Tck776aCNr
Indeed; even Ethereum users experience hours-long backlogs if the network becomes very popular. https://t.co/dne2jleE26
@brianchoffman Sounds like @ScalingBitcoin to me.