The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 11th, 2017

A new all-time high for bitcoin… minimum txn fees! If you’re paying < 25 satoshis / byte, prepare to get evicted.…

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mikebelshe I’m incredibly risk averse. That’s why I have all my money in Bitcoin.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:05 PM, May 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

I spoke with @maxkeiser & @stacyherbert about the Bitcoin scaling debate, crypto economics, patents, ICOs, and more!

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You SHOULD be skeptical of cryptographic tokens - do your due diligence. Same goes for non-cryptographic tokens issued by nation states.

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Bitcoin is on track to double computational security to 5 exahash per second by the second half of 2017. Given pric…

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Still waiting for Litecoin miners to start stealing SegWit outputs as if they were “anyone can spend” (as the SegWi…

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@EricksonHarold @Cryptopathic That’s correct. However, they are subdivisible to 8 decimal places. Technically, the…

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Bitcoin surpassed Bangladesh’s M1 money supply. 62 to go. Next up: Romania.

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