If you try to control the Bitcoin honey badger it will mercilessly gnaw upon your reputation until your humility is exposed or none remains.
@hcarpach There’s your problem - thinking that Core dictates the protocol.
What’s that, you say? You’re frustrated with the changing nature of Bitcoin? pic.twitter.com/YpejocExDJ
@MortuusBestia @spair False. Evidence: https://t.co/LFc9hdlk3c
@hcarpach Bitcoin wallets can only control their own behavior, not the nature of Bitcoin itself.
@CharlieShrem @morcosa There’s a good summary at the top of the linked github issues. A variety of improvements for… https://t.co/eGFR88cqVZ
ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’ðŸ¼@morcosa’s fee estimate overhaul is merged into Bitcoin Core! I’ve been testing for past month; great work! ðŸ’ðŸ¼ðŸ’ðŸ¼https://t.co/rXSj0rWZnD
Bitcoin wallets with hard coded min/max fee sanity checks should replace them with dynamically calculated values. https://t.co/EfNdXXKFRt
@dotglum @Adam_S9 Certainly. Mainly if the wallet has an imbalance in received transactions versus sent transactions.
When you’re proficient in a variety of high level programming languages and somehow keep finding yourself writing b… https://t.co/nvxfsPT9uN
@bit_novosti @BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion If most of the mining machines stay in China and the Chinese courts don’t… https://t.co/oEet7wMXSF
@bit_novosti @BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion I’m asking if these laws tend to actually get enforced or if they’re just… https://t.co/GhEOSOpHRP
@BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion IANAL… do Chinese courts care about American patents?
@WhalePanda I’ve been told that the 0.00888888 and 0.00444444-esque value outputs are tied to the GladiaCoin pyrami… https://t.co/emeYz5cnAI
@jgarzik @el33th4xor BitGo’s fee estimates ramp down quickly as of our latest overhaul. Can you spot the change?😉 https://t.co/I3lXib6H1A
@el33th4xor Dust should be donated to miners. 🙃
@ziggamon @desantis @khannib Given that no algorithm can actually predict the future, it very well be that the best… https://t.co/XUJdkyf2U7
@ziggamon @desantis @khannib Shouldn’t trust any of them. I’d think the /best/ thing to do would be backtesting the… https://t.co/7OXLTtvuqj
@brucefenton I suspect 10X demand would increase fees more than 10X, but I’m no economist. 🙃
@guruvan @Satoshi_N_ Fun fact: the minimum ripple wallet reserve has increased so much recently that we’re not sure… https://t.co/v0BrB0VYNm
@guruvan @Satoshi_N_ You could consider it to be competing against Ethereum/Litecoin/Dash/Monero/Zcash. Some don’t… https://t.co/Tl6jdyLiy5
@guruvan @Satoshi_N_ Ha, “market share” if you consider Bitcoin to be competing against premined permissioned protocols.
@guruvan @Satoshi_N_ Of course there’s a consumer effect, but honeybadger don’t care.
@Dr_Chen_XRay @JackMallers I’d say the latter is more likely, but you can’t really prove intent from blockchain analysis.
@theinstagibbs No pain, no gain!
Sending multiple outputs with the same value to the same address? Reeks of either incompetence or maliciousness. https://t.co/spa5MYjT4s
This is the point where the users who ignored my proactive advice realize their mistake. Holdouts are coming around. https://t.co/vxTucYmeJh
@Satoshi_N_ It’s disingenuous to ever refer to Bitcoin fees as a percentage of value sent, since the system is ambi… https://t.co/JTyMbCRwBY