@el33th4xor But it’s such a trustworthy face!
@bendavenport If it’s heavier, you just get that extra energy usage back during regenerative braking, right? #TrollScience
@bendavenport Cutting edge armor can be acquired for a mere 1,000 pound weight gain… 20% gain on the high end model S.
Is it also odd that the ticket purchase was conducted in BTC rather than ETH? https://t.co/6nVTzFtV07 https://t.co/j3yTdSdeWV
@TaylorGerring I’ve heard good things about https://t.co/YXivUj0jbY
.@AlwaysBCoding packed a boatload of insights into this post! https://t.co/JPNUsHDJsV https://t.co/b1c4Wd2TkV
@brianchoffman Perfect opportunity for a @brianchoffman-@mikeinspace collaboration.
Bitcoin Barons shouldn’t drive Lambos / Ferraris. They should be autopiloted by Teslas w/ level IV armor & hardened circuitry. Cyberpunk AF.
lopp Truth be TODL
Many Bitcoiners SODL
Or didn’t store CODL
You should break the MODL
And straight up HODL
@thijstriemstra @ErikVoorhees Indeed, organized aggression is immoral. Organized defense, on the other hand, is key… https://t.co/vjIdop9M5y
@hrdng @mwilcox OK, are you saying Core doesn’t skip sig checks for blocks after the last checkpoint but before the minChainWork threshold?
@BitcoinsSG @hrdng @mwilcox I believe that was in reference to current chain tip rather than checkpoints.
@hrdng @mwilcox OK, this is news to me. I had several people review my security model article and no one has disput… https://t.co/RMfW1VErrk
@hrdng @mwilcox You lost me - are you disputing the soundness of skipping sig checks up to a given min chain work?
@hrdng @mwilcox Both statements are correct - the former and ensures the latter. Core is moving away from checkpoin… https://t.co/SO9lRS0tHY
@haq4good @mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala You mean a contract external to the blockchain’s operation? If so, you can s… https://t.co/t8ekjfU9DH
@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala Don’t believe me? Check the code yourself. https://t.co/giSoAggS1T
@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala That’s not the argument. FYI, every Bitcoin implementation does this - it’s built in to the security model.
@coinut_exchange @juscamarena @TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg It’s cheaper to use your own database to track funds th… https://t.co/bYx1C0DsqG
@TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg @coinut_exchange Yes, if you want to purchase 2.5% of a Bitcoin block it will cost about that much.
@AriDavidPaul @ARKblockchain The ultimate cold storage guide: glacierprotocol.org