The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 23rd, 2017

@juscamarena Current proposal is to use bit 4 while existing activation uses bit 1. Would be preferable if the proposal supports both.

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A huge effort has been made this week to achieve consensus. Personally, I’d prefer a BIP9 compatible activation:

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@JaEsf @TaylorGerring My feeling is that it’s very unlikely at this point in time.

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.@BitGo is pleased to announce our cold storage vault software!

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Bitcoin monetary supply has surpassed Qatar and New Zealand’s M1 supply. 56 nation state currencies to go.

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“Bitcoin obituaries are fake news.” - @OneMorePeter

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“Royal Mint Gold will bring more transparency to the market and reduce the friction for trading gold.” - @srolondon

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“We must face the reality of blockchain scalability and store as much data / perform as much computing off the chain as possible.” - @muneeb

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