The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 3rd, 2017

@AlxCoventry @kryptokidz_ Feel free to compare to gold / M2 supply / etc - result is the same.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to AlxCoventry

@KonradSGraf LOL @ them quoting this tweet as if it’s an argument against SegWit.

via Twitter Web Client

Bitcoin dominance is down, you say?
False: Bitcoin dominance is up (to 0.14% of global M1 money supply)

via Twitter Web Client

@CryptAxe Very similar cars though the Elise has more power (especially over 6,000 RPM) and superior handling.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to CryptAxe

Truthcoin @mikeinspace @jimmysong @kyletorpey @DanielKrawisz FYI everyone — you can buy into the now by purchasing Bitcoin!!!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:00 PM, Jun 3rd, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

There is no attribute of Bitcoin that is guaranteed to never change. There is no authority to make a guarantee. Likelihood of change OTOH…

via Twitter for Android

@Kosmatos Yeah, we have decent beaches and mountains. I’m more of a mountain guy.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Kosmatos

@ARKblockchain @motionerror I believe the term came into use in 2014. I know I started using it then.…

via Twitter Web Client

Nice try, Google. Not gonna make this any easier for you than it already is.

via Twitter for Android

muneeb Blockchains have a $80B market cap and < 1000 engineers have committed code to a working blockchain.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:39 AM, Jun 3rd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@joonian No, that would have been a terrible idea - BTC has gone up over 10X since I bought it :-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to joonian

Great day to take the Bitmobile out for a spin with my fellow Lotus owners!

via Twitter for Android